Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Recipes For Health And Beauty Using Essential Oils

by Nicola Jenkins


This feature shows you how to make a wide selection

of stimulating and soothing products for cleansing,

toning and moisturising, as well as wonderful natural oils

and bubble baths to complete your aromatherapy routine.

The recipes should not take more than ten minutes to

produce, and will be ready for immediate use. I have included

some of my favourite recipes, and I have described them so

that you are able to imagine their aroma before you blend them.


Glass Jars and Bottles

Various shapes and sizes are needed for your blends.

Glass is better than plastic, as it can be sterilised at a high

temperature after use, and you can therefore recycle any

beautiful bottles you find. Amber glass jars and bottles are

usually available from your local chemist.

Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes are best for blends

that will be placed near the bath or shower. Containers with

flip-top caps, pump actions or sprays are suitable. Be careful

about recycling them however, as plastic can retain traces of

essential oils. Do not use plastic bottles which have contained


Glass Mixing Bowl and Glass Rod

A glass mixing bowl or jug and a glass rod are best for blending,

as they can be cleaned properly after use. If you don't have

a glass rod, a metal spoon can be used instead.

Unperfumed, Lanolin-Free Bubble Baths, Shower Gels,

Shampoos, Conditioners, Moisturisers and Cleansers

Various such products are now available. They often have

labels indicating they can be used on infants, or on sensitive

or damaged skin. You should avoid perfume-based products.

Lanolin, a waxy product found on sheep's wool, also causes

some sensitivity in those who are allergic to wool, or have

very sensitive skin, so is best avoided.

Grapeseed Oil

This good, all-purpose carrier oil is ideal as a base for massage

blends or bath oils. It has a light, non-greasy texture, so it

will not feel sticky.

Avocado Oil

This carrier oil is heavier than Jojoba and is therefore

appropriate for a drier, more mature skin. It is useful for

anti-aging blends.

Sweet Almond Oil

A good all-round carrier oil which is also useful for

massage blends.

Calendula Oil

This light oil is not as greasy as Sweet Almond oil.

It is wonderful for treating scar tissue and reducing

the size and appearance of stretch marks, and

can help to heal skin marked by severe acne.

If you find that it doesn't moisturise your skin

as much as you would like, blend it with

equal portions of Jojoba or Grapeseed oil.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba is technically a wax, bought in liquid form.

It is an enriching carrier oil and a wonderful base for

face products – either as a face oil itself, or

used sparingly to enhance a moisturiser.

Flower Waters

These are a by-product of the distillation of essential oils

and they smell slightly of their floral origins. Gently astringent,

they can be used on their own as effective toners.

Rose Water smells pleasant and is available from

most pharmacies. Orange Flower water (Neroli) also

has a pleasant smell. Both are useful bases for perfumes.

Lavender water is an acquired taste and might be best left alone.

Surgical Spirit/Alcohol

Surgical spirit or alcohol can be used to fix perfumes.

If you are using alcohol, vodka is the most appropriate

as it has no scent of its own.

Measuring Cups, Jugs or Spoons

These are used to measure liquid base products.

A glass measuring jug would be appropriate,

although a plastic one is fine, as long as the essential oils

are not placed in it.

Metal Spoon

For blending when you don't have access to a glass rod.

This is easier to clean than plastic or wood.

Essential Oils

See recipes.


Shampoos, face oils, cleansers and toners, shower gels,

bubble baths, moisturisers and massage oils can be made

quickly and easily. Use an unperfumed base that relates to

the item you want to make. I am making a shampoo here,

and have chosen an unperfumed, lanolin-free shampoo base.

The amount of essential oils added depends on the quantity of

base product used. As a guide, for a total of 20ml (0.6fl oz) of

liquid base product, use 8 drops of essential oils.

Use 20 drops for every 50g (1.8oz) of cream base.

You can use just one essential oil, or choose several.

Here, I use a total of 100ml (3.2fl oz) of shampoo base and

40 drops from a selection of three essential oils.

Perfumes are made in the same way, substituting flower water and

surgical spirit or alcohol in place of the base product.

To make perfumes, use surgical spirit or alcohol at Step 1 and

the flower water at Step 4. You will notice that you use

fewer drops of essential oil for perfumes; this is because

the essential oils don't mix as well with water and alcohol

as they do with carrier oils. At these lower levels, you are

unlikely to get an adverse skin reaction.

Storing Finished Products

Your finished products have a shelf life of around one month

to six weeks. This can be extended by an extra two weeks if

the products are stored in a cool location, such as a fridge.

Although the perfume should remain beyond this period,

the blends are unlikely to be fully effective in therapeutic terms.


Cleansers and Toners

Cleansers and toners can enhance the effects of aromatherapy

face oils and moisturisers, and speed up the healing rate,

when used in your daily routine. Use an unperfumed cleanser

as a base.

Cleansers remove trapped dirt, cleanse the skin and calm and

soothe any inflamed areas. They are particularly effective when

used with essential oils which have strong antiseptic qualities,

such as Lavender, Bergamot, Geranium and Grapefruit.

Anti-inflammatories such as Yarrow and Chamomile are excellent,

as are oils such as Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Frankincense,

Patchouli, Benzoin, Rosewood and Rose, which all help to

heal skin conditions.

The above oils are excellent too when used in toner recipes,

although the more astringent ones are better for

particularly oily skin – Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary and

Lemongrass. These can be blended in unscented toners or,

for the best results, use flower waters such as Orange Blossom or

Rose Water. Rose Water blended with Witch Hazel is a good base for

an oily skin. The Witch Hazel gives the Rose Water a more astringent

and antiseptic quality. Plain Rose Water is more appropriate for

anyone with dry or sensitive skin.

Citrus Cleanser

A woody, citrus-like, mildly astringent blend which is

excellent for combination skin – it will help to balance out patches

of dry and oily skin.

Grapefruit 4 drops
Geranium 2 drops
Cedarwood 3 drops
50g (1.8oz) cleanser

Forest Toner

A soothing blend which cools and calms the skin.

It can also help to reduce the inflammation and infection

associated with acne.

Bergamot 7 drops
Sandalwood 5 drops
Lavender 3 drops
40ml (1.3fl oz) Rose Water or unscented toner

Cheer Up Cleanser

This is a delicate blend which raises the spirits and improves

circulation. Rosewood and Grapefruit are both mild astringents

and together with Palmarosa they will improve the colour and

texture of the skin.

Palmarosa 3 drops
Rosewood 4 drops
Grapefruit 3 drops
50g (1.8oz) cleanser


Moisturisers are one of the easiest cosmetics to enhance with

essential oils. There is a large range of lanolin-free, fragrance-free,

hypoallergenic products available. A moisturiser's job is to

soothe dry skin, reduce fine lines and provide a little

additional help at weatherproofing. You can enhance the effects of

your moisturiser, not only with essential oils, but also

by adding a little Jojoba oil – 5ml (0.2fl oz) for every 50g (1.8oz)

of moisturiser– or an Evening Primrose oil capsule to the blend.

Don't forget, you can adapt these recipes to use them

with a liquid base – a bubble bath, shampoo or shower gel.

Simply increase the liquid base to 60ml (1.8fl oz) and

use the same recipe given here.

After Gardening

This aromatic herbaceous moisturiser brings

the garden into the home, reminding us of how plants can be

beneficial in a variety of ways. Lavender has antiseptic properties

and will soothe cuts, grazes, insect bites or stings.

Lemon is a mild astringent and Marjoram is wonderful for

aching muscles and joints.

Lavender 3 drops
Lemon 2 drops
Marjoram 3 drops
50g (1.8oz) moisturiser

The Orange Tree

A light blend which smells like a citrus grove –

the blossom and fruit of the orange tree, plus a hint of wood.

An excellent remedy for dry skin, for those experiencing

anxiety or for anyone unable to fully express their emotions.

Orange 6 drops
Neroli 4 drops
Sandalwood 10 drops
50g (1.8oz) moisturiser


This soothes burnt skin and is extremely useful when

used as an after-sun cream. It can also reduce uncomfortable,

dry, scaly eczema patches. As an added bonus,

it seems to keep mosquitoes at bay too!

Yarrow 4 drops
Lavender 8 drops
Cedarwood 4 drops
Bergamot 3 drops
50 g (1.8oz) moisturiser

Sleepy Time

As well as being a great moisturiser for cracked skin,

this is an effective remedy for those experiencing constipation,

insomnia or nightmares. A favourite blend with children,

the vanilla-like smell of Benzoin, and the fruity orange aroma,

make this a familiar and comfortable fragrance.

These oils can also be used in a bubble bath.

Orange 9 drops
Benzoin 6 drops
Roman Chamomile 5 drops
50g (1.8oz) moisturiser

Aching Joints

This is an excellent moisturiser for anyone who has aching joints.

It offers a little pain relief, and it will warm the hands and

soothe the skin. Add a capsule of Evening Primrose oil to

the blend and you will have a lovely rich moisturiser which

should improve the condition of your hands.

Roman Chamomile 4 drops
Yarrow 4 drops
Lavender 6 drops
Rose 2 drops
50g (1.8oz) moisturiser

Face Oils

A certain amount of oil is needed in our skin to keep it

waterproof, weatherproof and generally in good condition.

A face oil can help. Sparingly applied, the right blend can

balance adolescent skin – clearing it and leaving it supple

and reasonably unblemished.

Jojoba oil helps to maintain more mature skin, and

can reduce fine lines. Jojoba oil is also particularly effective

for blemished or combination skin. Its chemical structure is

similar to that of sebum, the skin's naturally occurring oil.

Sebum dissolves in Jojoba, so by applying it you can help to

loosen any dirt trapped in the pores.

Avocado oil is absorbed into drier, finer skin quickly.

Its richer, heavier structure means that it is also extremely good

as a moisturiser and it is an excellent base under make-up.

However, I recommend that you wait at least fifteen minutes after

moisturising before applying any make-up.

Where the skin is scarred – from chicken pox, acne, cuts or

more severe wounds – try using Calendula oil as a carrier.

In many cases, it can significantly reduce the appearance of

scar tissue, softening and encouraging the skin's normal growth.


This blend is wonderful for adolescent skin which is affected by

hormonal changes, and it is popular with teenage males.

It smells clean and musky, like a gentle cologne, and makes

a nice change from the antiseptic smell of medicinal products.

Lavender 5 drops
Lemon 3 drops
Sandalwood 2 drops
25ml (0.8fl oz) Jojoba oil


I sometimes think of this as nature's bottle of correction fluid –

it really does help to soothe and soften scar tissue.

It also heals cracked and dry skin, leaving it supple and unblemished.

Benzoin 3 drops
Frankincense 2 drops
Sandalwood 2 drops
Rose 1 drop
20ml (0.6fl oz) Calendula oil


A wonderful blend for itching skin and dry eczema or dermatitis,

this also doubles as a great after-sun blend if used in a moisturiser.

It helps to heal the skin, keeps it moist and stops it itching.

German Chamomile 2 drops
Lavender 4 drops
Cedarwood 3 drops
25ml (0.8fl oz) Grapeseed oil or unperfumed moisturiser


This delicate blend is excellent for dry and wrinkled skin,

leaving it moist and younger looking. It also smells heavenly –

like a flower garden at night, inducing relaxation and sleep

if used at bedtime.

Frankincense 4 drops
Rose 2 drops
Neroli 2 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) Avocado oil


Essential oils can be extremely beneficial when used on

the scalp and hair. Different blends can improve blood circulation,

make hair shinier, ease dandruff or help combat head lice –

and the fragrance will linger in your hair and in the bathroom.

To give your hair the equivalent of a spa holiday, make up

the same blend in a carrier oil such as Grapeseed,

to make a deep-conditioning treatment. Apply this to your dry hair,

wrap it in plastic or in a plastic shower cap, then wrap a towel

around your head and leave it for an hour. After an hour,

add enough shampoo to the hair to raise a mild lather,

then add water and shampoo as normal. This will add extra shine

to your hair.

Don't forget, you can also blend essential oils in conditioners,

to complete the healthy hair picture. Either stick to the same oils

and recipes as for shampoos, or adapt them a bit.


An energising blend which improves blood circulation to

the scalp, leaving you awake and refreshed. Improving circulation

has been known to slow down hair loss.

Grapefruit 3 drops
Peppermint 3 drops
Lavender 2 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) shampoo


This is quite a strong blend which can help improve

blood circulation to the scalp. It can also be used to

combat dandruff and dry, flaky skin. Those prone to

dandruff may find that using a capful of vinegar in

the after-shampoo rinse water will improve the condition

of their scalp.

Bergamot 5 drops
Rosemary 2 drops
Lavender 3 drops
25ml (0.8fl oz) shampoo


This shampoo is a treat for anyone with fine, fragile hair,

as the oils have cytophylactic properties (they encourage

healthy cell growth). For the best results,

before shampooing make up the same blend in a

carrier oil such as Grapeseed. Apply a deep-conditioning

treatment as described above, then shampoo using this recipe.

This will condition your hair and add extra shine.

Sandalwood 2 drops
Frankincense 2 drops
Bergamot 2 drops
Lavender 2 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) shampoo

Bubble Baths

When things get on top of you, there is nothing quite like

a good soak in a hot tub with a good book or some soft music –

up to your neck in bubbles. It is relaxing, soothing and uplifting,

especially if the bath is perfumed with scented oils,

specially chosen for their restorative properties.

The following recipes will add a little something to your pleasure,

and leave you feeling calm, refreshed and ready to conquer the world.

The recipes here focus on some of the more exotic essential oils,

mainly because I am bored with all the commercial bubble baths

containing Lavender, Geranium and Ylang Ylang.

If you want a more zesty, energizing blend,

try creating your own recipe. Start with three essential oils that

make you feel refreshed and lively (for a 'morning' type of scent,

make one of them a citrus oil – but check that you are not

sensitive to these first.) Check the maximum doses for

the oils then blend accordingly. Try adding your essential oils

one drop at a time (one drop of oil A, followed by one of B, and so on),

mixing well and then smelling the blend before you add more.

This will take longer, but it gives you a clear idea of how just one drop

can make a huge difference to how you feel about your creation.

Water Sprite

A tropical blend which should get you going on those cold,

grey winter mornings. Lemongrass is great for muscular aches and pains,

Coriander will give your immune system a boost and

Jasmine regulates hormonal imbalances. This bubble bath smells

gorgeous and it can also be used as a perfume. Reduce the dosage of

Lemongrass and Jasmine if you have a sensitive skin,

as they can sometimes cause an uncomfortable reaction.

Lemongrass 3 drops
Jasmine 2 drops
Coriander 3 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) bubble bath

Miracle Worker

When you need to create miracles tomorrow,

but can't quite face up to them today, try this blend.

Frankincense helps you to breathe calmly and deeply,

Ginger settles the butterflies in your stomach and

Neroli lifts your spirits and combats shock.

The result – a clear head and calm mind.

Frankincense 4 drops
Ginger 2 drops
Neroli 2 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) bubble bath


Try this one in the evening – the ingredients will help you sleep.

Marjoram and Yarrow are both excellent for muscular

aches and pains, especially after heavy exercise.

Geranium is uplifting and can promise pleasant dreams.

All are good for the skin, especially if it is dry.

Marjoram 3 drops
Yarrow 3 drops
Geranium 2 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) bubble bath


Not quite a minimalist blend, but the effects leave you completely

calm, with a clutter-free mind and a beatific smile on your face.

It's good for muscular aches and pains, sinusitis, minor chest

complaints and for when your immune system needs a bit of a boost.

Also excellent for keeping mosquitoes at bay.

Coriander 3 drops
Patchouli 2 drops
Vetiver 2 drops
Palmarosa 3 drops
30ml (1fl oz) bubble bath

Massage Oils

Massage is one of the main ways of experiencing the benefits that

essential oils offer, and you do not have to be a professional

Aromatherapist to use them in this way. Any of the carrier oils

can be used; I would suggest Grapeseed oil as it is relatively

inexpensive and easy to obtain. Massage oils can also be used as

intensive moisturisers for your skin, either by adding a spoonful of

a blend to your bath or by applying the oil after bathing.

Macadamia Nut oil is one of the more expensive carrier oils but

it soaks into the skin relatively quickly and does not leave any residue.

If you would like a high quality carrier oil that is not as expensive,

Sweet Almond oil is a good alternative.

If your skin is very dry, try enriching your chosen carrier by

adding 5ml (1 teaspoon) of Jojoba or Avocado oil to the recipe.

This will give the final blend a silkier texture, and your skin will

feel much softer.

Calendula can be a useful carrier oil if you are trying to reduce

the effects of scar tissue or stretch marks. Some people find that

it is absorbed extremely quickly into the skin, so if you have dry

or combination skin, try blending it with Jojoba oil.

Anti-Stretch Marks

Try this blend to help remove stretch marks after giving birth.

During pregnancy, plain Calendula oil can help prevent them.

Roman Chamomile 1 drop
Frankincense 2 drops
Lavender 1 drop
20ml (0.6fl oz) Calendula oil

Muscle Soother

If you have a stiff neck or tense shoulders, this blend will help

to ease muscle spasm. It is warming and soothing, reducing any

inflammation – and it will help to relieve pain.

German Chamomile 1 drop
Rosemary 2 drops
Lavender 2 drops
Marjoram 3 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) Grapeseed oil

Poor Circulation

If you have poor circulation, this blend will warm your hands and

feet – whatever the weather. Rosemary can also be used to improve

circulation. Try using it in this blend instead of Vetiver.

Vetiver 2 drops
Ginger 3 drops
Grapefruit 3 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) Grapeseed oil


This smoky, citrus-like blend is popular if you are having problems

sleeping, either through overwork, aching muscles or stress.

Gently relaxing and comforting, it will have you snoozing in no time.

Vetiver 3 drops
Lavender 4 drops
Orange 4 drops
30ml (1fl oz) Grapeseed oil

Breathe Easy

Here is a wonderful oil which will help respiration if are suffering

from a chest infection, hay fever or asthma. It will also help to

ease aches and pains associated with winter colds and flu,

clearing catarrh and encouraging you to breathe more easily.

Cedarwood 3 drops
Frankincense 3 drops
Benzoin 2 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) Grapeseed oil

Clearing Cobwebs

Clear the cobwebs away from your mind and body with this

energising blend, which is excellent when you want to make decisions

or if you need to motivate yourself. Lemongrass and

Ginger are both excellent for muscular aches and pains, and

together with Geranium, they help ease digestive difficulties.

The overall effect is gently warming and tropical.

Ginger 3 drops
Lemongrass 2 drops
Geranium 3 drops
20ml (0.6fl oz) Grapeseed oil

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Essensial oil Rahasia Sang Ratu

Vidio diatas di gambarkan bagaimana proses pembuatan essensial oil.
Dimana untuk memproduksi satu liter minyak essensial oil dibutuhkan minimal 500 Kg bahan baku alami !!!!
karena itu khasiat dari minyak essensial oil menjadi sangat melegenda karena minyak ini berasal dari sari pati tumbuhan yang proses pembuatannya tidak mudah.

Cleopatra Putri mesir yang terkenal kecantikannya menggunakan campuran minyak essensial oil sebagai perawatan kecantikanya bahkan dijadikan resep rahasia kerajaan sehingga tidak banyak orang tahu.

Tetapi sekarang jaman telah berubah semua rahasia kecantikan sang Putri bisa anda dapatkan dengan membeli produk-produk essensial oil Probo Shop karena kami menjamin proses pembuatan produk essensial oil kami menggunakan teknologi terkini dan kami menjamin produk kami asli berasal dari tumbuhan alami tampa tambahan bahan kimia sedikitpun.

Produk kami mendapat sertifikat ke-aslian yang dikeluarkan oleh BPPT (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Indonesia) yang menjamin bahwa produk kami benar-benar pure dari bahan alami organik pilihan terbaik tampa campuran bahan kimia sedikitpun.

Dengan bahan alami maka khasiat kecantikan Sang Putri dapat anda dapatkan dengan mudah tanpa harus kembali ke masa lalu hanya cukup menghubungi Probo Shop rahasia kecantikannya sudah depan anda.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


No Nama Produk Ukuran Harga Eceran Harga Distributor
1 Body Scrub

Chocolate 1 kg Rp 75,000 Rp 56,250

Milk Chocolate 1 kg Rp 75,000 Rp 56,250

Milk 1 kg Rp 75,000 Rp 56,250

Mocha 1 kg Rp 75,000 Rp 56,250

Coffee 1 kg Rp 75,000 Rp 56,250

Milk Coffee 1 kg Rp 75,000 Rp 56,250
2 Body Mask

Chocolate 1 kg Rp 70,000 Rp 52,500

Milk Chocolate 1 kg Rp 70,000 Rp 52,500

Milk 1 kg Rp 70,000 Rp 52,500

Mocha 1 kg Rp 70,000 Rp 52,500

Coffee 1 kg Rp 70,000 Rp 52,500

Milk Coffee 1 kg Rp 70,000 Rp 52,500
3 Bath Salt

Chocolate 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Milk Chocolate 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Milk 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Mocha 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Coffee 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Milk Coffee 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Strawberry 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Green Tea 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Mango 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Passion Fruit 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Lavender 1 kg Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000
4 Face Mask

Chocolate 1 kg Rp 180,000 Rp 135,000

Milk Chocolate 1 kg Rp 180,000 Rp 135,000

Milk 1 kg Rp 180,000 Rp 135,000

Mocha 1 kg Rp 180,000 Rp 135,000

Coffee 1 kg Rp 180,000 Rp 135,000

Milk Coffee 1 kg Rp 180,000 Rp 135,000
5 Massage Cream

Chocolate 1 liter Rp 42,500 Rp 31,875

Milk Vanilla 1 liter Rp 42,500 Rp 31,875

Strawberry 1 liter Rp 42,500 Rp 31,875

Green Tea 1 liter Rp 42,500 Rp 31,875

Mango 1 liter Rp 42,500 Rp 31,875

Passion Fruit 1 liter Rp 42,500 Rp 31,875
6 Shower Gel

Chocolate 1 liter Rp 30,000 Rp 22,500

Milk Vanilla 1 liter Rp 30,000 Rp 22,500

Strawberry 1 liter Rp 30,000 Rp 22,500

Green Tea 1 liter Rp 30,000 Rp 22,500

Mango 1 liter Rp 30,000 Rp 22,500

Passion Fruit 1 liter Rp 30,000 Rp 22,500
7 Creambath

Strawberry 1 liter Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Green Tea 1 liter Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Mango 1 liter Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Passion Fruit 1 liter Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Lavender 1 liter Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000

Bergamot (Jeruk Bergamot) 1 liter Rp 40,000 Rp 30,000
8 Bubble Bath

Chocolate 1 liter Rp 35,000 Rp 26,250

Milk Vanilla 1 liter Rp 35,000 Rp 26,250

Strawberry 1 liter Rp 35,000 Rp 26,250

Green Tea 1 liter Rp 35,000 Rp 26,250

Mango 1 liter Rp 35,000 Rp 26,250

Passion Fruit 1 liter Rp 35,000 Rp 26,250
9 Massage Oil ( Plain)

Olive 1 liter Rp 62,500 Rp 46,875

Palm Oil 1 liter Rp 18,750 Rp 14,063

Sunflower 1 liter Rp 56,250 Rp 42,188

White Oil 1 liter Rp 40,625 Rp 30,469
10 Massage Oil ( Flavoured)

Relaxing 1 liter Rp 125,000 Rp 93,750

Refresh 1 liter Rp 125,000 Rp 93,750

Up Lifting 1 liter Rp 125,000 Rp 93,750

Stress & Tired Release 1 liter Rp 125,000 Rp 93,750
11 Aromatherapy (Pure Essential Oil)

Peppermint 1 liter Rp 540,000 Rp 405,000

Green Tea 1 liter Rp 1,189,800 Rp 892,350

Mango 1 liter Rp 1,089,000 Rp 816,750

Passion Fruit 1 liter Rp 979,200 Rp 734,400

Lavender 1 liter Rp 815,400 Rp 611,550

Orange 1 liter Rp 667,800 Rp 500,850

Apple 1 liter Rp 689,400 Rp 517,050

Basilic 1 liter Rp 1,017,000 Rp 762,750

Bergamot 1 liter Rp 1,083,600 Rp 812,700

Raflesia Flower 1 liter Rp 847,800 Rp 635,850

Bunga Tanjung 1 liter Rp 635,400 Rp 476,550

Cananga 1 liter Rp 673,200 Rp 504,900

Sandalwood 1 liter Rp 1,668,600 Rp 1,251,450

Chamomile 1 liter Rp 1,468,800 Rp 1,101,600

Champaka 1 liter Rp 1,245,600 Rp 934,200

Cinnamon 1 liter Rp 997,200 Rp 747,900

Eucalypthus 1 liter Rp 1,231,200 Rp 923,400

Geranium 1 liter Rp 1,501,200 Rp 1,125,900

Grape Fruit 1 liter Rp 1,146,600 Rp 859,950

Hezlina 1 liter Rp 1,161,000 Rp 870,750

Honey Rose 1 liter Rp 734,400 Rp 550,800

Jasmine 1 liter Rp 835,200 Rp 626,400

Juniperberry 1 liter Rp 1,720,800 Rp 1,290,600

Kamboja 1 liter Rp 1,252,800 Rp 939,600

Lemon 1 liter Rp 770,400 Rp 577,800

Lotus 1 liter Rp 1,080,000 Rp 810,000

Mandarine 1 liter Rp 934,200 Rp 700,650

Marjoram 1 liter Rp 1,951,200 Rp 1,463,400

Melissa 1 liter Rp 1,706,400 Rp 1,279,800

Misik Putih 1 liter Rp 2,134,800 Rp 1,601,100

Neroli 1 liter Rp 1,265,400 Rp 949,050

Patchouli 1 liter Rp 420,000 Rp 315,000

Pikakke 1 liter Rp 1,501,200 Rp 1,125,900

Rosemary 1 liter Rp 1,380,600 Rp 1,035,450

Vanilla 1 liter Rp 957,600 Rp 718,200

Vetyvert 1 liter Rp 1,440,000 Rp 1,080,000

Ylang-Ylang 1 liter Rp 1,053,000 Rp 789,750

Strawberry 1 liter Rp 1,031,400 Rp 773,550

Harga Eceran Harga Distributor
Body Scrub

45 gram Rp5,000 Rp3,500
1 kg Rp75,000 Rp56,250

Body Mask

40 gram Rp4,500 Rp3,150
1 kg Rp70,000 Rp52,500

Face Mask

10 gram Rp2,500 Rp1,750
1 kg Rp180,000 Rp135,000

Bath Salt

30 gram Rp2,200 Rp1,540
1 kg Rp50,000 Rp37,500

Minyak Pijat

30 ml Rp10,000 Rp7,000
Non bunga

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Paket A :

1 Body Scrub

45 gram 120 pcs x Rp3,500 = Rp420,000

1 kg 30 pcs x Rp56,250 = Rp1,687,500

2 Body Mask

40 gram 120 pcs x Rp3,150 = Rp378,000

1 kg 30 pcs x Rp52,500 = Rp1,575,000

3 Face Mask

10 gram 120 pcs x Rp1,750 = Rp210,000

1 kg 30 pcs x Rp135,000 = Rp4,050,000

4 Bath Salt

30 gram 160 pcs x Rp1,540 = Rp246,400

1 kg 40 pcs x Rp37,500 = Rp1,500,000

5 Massage Oil

30 ml 100 pcs x Rp7,000 = Rp700,000

Sub Total


Discount 10%
x Rp10,766,900 = Rp1,076,690



Harga Jual




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Tertarik menjadi distributor Probo Shop???????

Harga Retail 36 Jenis Essential Oil dalam liter
1. Peppermint Rp 180.000

2. Green Tea Rp 396.600

3. Mango Rp 363.000

4. Passion Fruit Rp 326.400

5. Lavender Rp 271.800

6. Orange Rp 222.600

7. Apple Rp 229.800

8. Basilic Rp 339.000

9. Bergamot Rp 361.200

10. Bunga Tanjung Rp 211.800

11. Cananga Rp 224.400

12. Sandalwood Rp 556.200

13. Chamomile Rp 489.600

14. Champaka Rp 415.200

15. Cinnamon Rp 332.400

16. Eucalipthus Rp 410.400

17. Geranium Rp 500.400

18. Grape Fruit Rp 382.200

19. Honey Rose Rp 244.800

20. Jasmine Rp 278.400

21. Juniper Berry Rp 573.600

22. Kamboja Rp 417.600

23. Lemon Rp 256.700

24. Lotus Rp 360.000

25. Mandarin Rp 310.800

26. Marjoram Rp 650.400

27. Melissa Rp 568.800

28. Misik Putih Rp 711.600

29. Neroli Rp 421.800

30. Patchouli Rp 140.000

31. Pikakke Rp 500.400

32. Rosemary Rp 460.200

33. Vanilla Rp 319.200

34. Vetivert Rp 480.000

35. Ylang-Ylang Rp 351.000

36. Strawberry Rp 343.800

Pembelian minimal Rp 1.000.000 akan mendapatkan harga distributor dengan potongan 25% dari harga retail.Jika berminat anda dapat menghubungi via email : probo_shop@yahoo.comRegards,proboshop.blogspot.com

Green Tea Linked To Skin Cell Rejuvenation

ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2003) — Research into the health-promoting properties of green tea is yielding information that may lead to new treatments for skin diseases and wounds.

Dr. Stephen Hsu, a cell biologist in the Medical College of Georgia Department of Oral Biology, has uncovered a wealth of information about green tea in the last few years. Most importantly, he helped determine that compounds in green tea called polyphenols help eliminate free radicals, which can cause cancer by altering DNA. He also found that polyphenols safeguard healthy cells while ushering cancer cells to their death.

He recently began studying the most abundant green tea polyphenol, EGCG. Using pooled human keratinocytes (skin cells), he and his colleagues studied the normal growth of the skin cells and compared it to the growth of the cells when exposed to EGCG.

To their astonishment, they found that EGCG reactivated dying skin cells. "Cells that migrate toward the surface of the skin normally live about 28 days, and by day 20, they basically sit on the upper layer of the skin getting ready to die," Dr. Hsu said. "But EGCG reactivates them. I was so surprised."

The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (mid-layer) and hypodermis (inner layer). Dr. Hsu learned that green tea polyphenols aren't absorbed beyond the epidermis, so any benefits are limited to that outer layer of skin. But the benefits, he stressed, seem significant.

Cells in the epidermis, or keratinocytes, are in a constant state of renewal. The newly formed cells, stem cells, are undifferentiated but rapidly dividing. As they push through the epidermis, they begin differentiating. During this migration and differentiation process, the cells are very active, expending and consuming vast amounts of energy.

Once they reach the surface of the skin, their metabolic activity slows dramatically and they prepare to die, while forming a water-proof, sheet-like structure. As they die off about a month into their life cycle, they are replaced by another wave of migrating cells supplied by stem cells, starting the process all over again.

But EGCG seems to be a fountain of youth for skin cells. "When exposed to EGCG, the old cells found in the upper layers of the epidermis appear to start dividing again," Dr. Hsu said. "They make DNA and produce more energy. They are reactivated. There are lots of unknowns-this is the first step into the door-but if we can energize dying skin cells, we can probably improve the skin condition."

In addition, the researchers found that EGCG accelerates the differentiation process among new cells.

Combining these effects of EGCG on skin cells in different layers of the epidermis, Dr. Hsu noted potential benefits for skin conditions as diverse as aphthous ulcers, psoriasis, rosascea, wrinkles and wounds. "If skin cells surrounding wounds or infections don't heal in time, fibroblasts in the connective tissue may rush in to fill the void and cause scar tissue formation," he said. "If we can spur the skin cells to differentiate and proliferate, we can potentially accelerate the wound-healing process and prevent scarring."

This potential benefit is particularly exciting for conditions such as diabetes, which stubbornly inhibits the wound-healing process, Dr. Hsu said.

He and his colleagues hope to identify dermatologists interested in collaborating on clinical studies of EGCG and other polyphenols on patients.

Dr. Hsu's research, which is excerpted on the online version of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, is funded by the Dental Research Foundation, the MCG School of Dentistry and MCG Research Institute.

Adapted from materials provided by Medical College Of Georgia.

Probo Shop dedicated our product just for you......

Our precious Customers.....

Green Tea Package (1 set) Rp 363.500,-

Usage for 20 - 25 treatment

1. Cream Scrub 1 kg

2. Body Mask 1 kg

3. Bath Salt 1 kg

4. Shower Gel 1 liter

5. Massage Cream 1 kg

6. Body Lotion 1 kg

7. Bubble Bath 1 liter

8. Hair Nourishment 1 kg

Term & Condition :

- Free transportation fee for Jakarta, Bogor,
Tangerang, Bekasi

- Payment by transfer :
Mandiri Bank 128.00.0500658.7 suryani agus

- For more information call +6221 99090387 or
email : proboshop@yahoo.com

Can Coffee Fight Skin Cancer?

Study: Caffeine Lowers Risk Of Skin Cancer In Lab Mice

Caffeine, the chemical stimulant in coffee and tea, has been found to lower the risk of skin cancer in laboratory mice.

A study suggests that a skin lotion spiked with caffeine or with another compound found in green tea can reduce by more than half the number of cancer tumors on the skin of hairless mice exposed to brutal levels of ultraviolet radiation, said Dr. Allan Conney, a professor of cancer and leukemia research at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.

"We had between 50 to 70 percent tumor formation inhibition in the mice that were treated with caffeine or with EGCG (the other chemical compound)," said Conney, senior author of a study appearing this week in the online site of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers in the United States. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates about a million cases will be diagnosed in the country this year. Among them will be more than 88,000 new cases of melanoma, the disease's deadliest form. Skin cancer generally is curable by cutting, burning or freezing the tumor cells, but untreated it can be deadly.

To test effects of caffeine on skin cancer, Conney and his colleagues exposed 90 mice to high levels of ultraviolet radiation twice a day for 20 days. They used a strain of animals, called hairless mice, commonly used for skin cancer studies.

After the mice got their UVB doses, the animals were divided into three groups. One group were slathered daily with a solution of acetone and caffeine. Another group received acetone and EGCG. The third group got skin applications of acetone only. Acetone is an organic solution often used on the skin.

At the end of 18 weeks, the three groups of mice were killed, and the level of skin tumor formation was analyzed.

Conney said mice in all three groups developed malignant skin tumors, called squamous cell carcinomas, but the number of tumors per mouse was reduced by 72 percent in those treated with caffeine and by 66 percent among those treated with EGCG, compared to the controls treated only with acetone.

The treated mice also had fewer nonmalignant, sunlight-related tumors, said Conney. Compared to the control group of mice, the mice treated with caffeine had 44 percent fewer nonmalignant tumors, the EGCG group 55 percent fewer, he said.

Conney said that although both compounds were effective in lower tumor risk, caffeine has an advantage because it is chemically more stable than EGCG.

Unlike sun screen lotions, which protect against skin cancer by preventing the skin from absorbing ultraviolet rays from the sun, the caffeine's cancer protection works in the cells after exposure to the ultraviolet rays. Rays from the sun can cause genetic changes in the skin that can lead to skin cancer. Conney said caffeine apparently blocks this action by causing abnormal cells to kill themselves, a type of programed cell suicide that prevents development of abnormal growths.

"This is not a sunscreening effect," said Conney. "It is a biological effect."

He said the caffeine acts selectively, causing the abnormal cells to die but not affecting the normal cells.

Caffeine, heavily consumed in coffee, tea and some cola drinks, has been shown in other studies to prompt mental alertness in many people. Some studies have suggested caffeine aggravates symptoms of menopause or intensifies the side effects of some antibiotics. Heavy caffeine use has been linked to miscarriage. Some studies also have suggested that some people can become addicted to caffeine and can experience headaches and other symptoms when deprived of their morning coffee or cola.

Dr. Darrell Rigell, a professor of dermatology at New York University and an expert spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology, said research like Conney's is needed badly because "skin cancer is a major problem. I hope this treatment can prove itself, because there are more skin cancers than all other cancers combined in the U.S."

He said there is a need for a "morning-after" treatment for skin cancer, a therapy that would reduce cancer risk after excessive sun exposure.

Rigell said that although hairless mice are commonly used for such research, "there is really no good animal model for skin cancer. The hairless mouse is the best of a bunch of bad choices" for testing skin cancer compounds in the laboratory.

As a result, he said, "a lot of things that work in mice cannot be extrapolated to humans."

He said other treatments that showed promise in mice have often failed when tried on humans.

Conney said the next step in studying the topical effects of caffeine will be to use the solution on people who are highly susceptible to skin cancer — people who have a precancerous condition or who already have had skin cancer.

Probo Shop dedicated our product just for you......

Our precious Customers.....

Exotic Black Cooffee Package (1 set) Rp 355.000,-

Usage for 20 - 25 treatment

1. Body Scrub 1 kg

2. Body Mask 1 kg

3. Bath Salt 1 kg

4. Face Mask 1 kg

Term & Condition :

- Free transportation fee for Jakarta, Bogor,
Tangerang, Bekasi

- Payment by transfer :
Mandiri Bank 128.00.0500658.7
suryani agus prabandari

- For more information call +6221 99090387 or
email : proboshop@yahoo.com


Lavender gets its name from the Latin "lavare" meaning "to wash." It was used to bathe wounds and prevent infection when sharing communal baths. Historically, it was also placed in linen closets to discourage moths and other insects from lunching on fabrics.

Today, it is one of the most popular scents used in aromatherapy, but it so amazing that the list of uses makes it sound like a catalogue belonging to a snake oil salesman. This summer, I visited the lavender capital of the U.S. and toured an exquisite lavender farm. Never in my life have I seen such gorgeous flowers or smelled such intense fragrance. This is, like many of my favorite sources, a family-owned project operated by dedicated people whose laboratory is no more than a few feet away from the closest plants.

lavender plantThey are experimenting with some new growing ideas, including using crushed oyster shells around each plant. The plants obviously love this because the ones with the shells around them were extremely happy though all the plants looked healthy and wonderful.

Naturally, I bought some of their products and now I want to share how they can be used. They make essential oils, hydrosols, soaps, moisturizers, and, of course, sachets for those who want to dream or merely reduce asthmatic attacks and respiratory complaints by keeping their heads on small lavender pillows.

External Use

Lavender can be applied to open wounds as a protection against infection and as a treatment once infection is evident as with gangrene. It is useful for dog bites and other lacerations and can also be used for acne, psoriasis, fungal conditions, herpes, burns, scalds, and sunburn. Mix into a cream, gel, or milk base and dab on with pure cotton. I recently mixed it with propolis to use it on a wasp sting. It stopped the pain instantly.

Internal Use

In moderate amounts, lavender can be used for migraines, indigestion, menstrual irregularities and pain, and irritable bowel syndrome. "Moderate" means a drop or two per glass of water or cup of tea, no more!

Probo Shop dedicated our product just for you......

Our precious Customers.....

Wonderful Lavender Package (1 set) Rp 363.500,-

Usage for 20 - 25 treatment

1. Cream Scrub 1 kg

2. Body Mask 1 kg

3. Bath Salt 1 kg

4. Shower Gel 1 liter

5. Massage Cream 1 kg

6. Body Lotion 1 kg

7. Bubble Bath 1 liter

8. Hair Nourishment 1 kg

Term & Condition :

- Free transportation fee for Jakarta, Bogor,
Tangerang, Bekasi

- Payment by transfer :
Mandiri Bank 128.00.0500658.7 suryani agus

- For more information call +6221 99090387 or
email : proboshop@yahoo.com

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao) Cocoa butter is the solid fat expressed from the roasted seed of the cocoa seed AKA beans. The cocoa tree is cultivated in most tropical countries and is native to South America. It is highly protective and acts as a water repellant. It contains about 5 IU of vitamin E per ounce. Cocoa Butter softens and lubricates the skin. If it smells like chocolate to you that is because it is the by-product from the manufacturing of cocoa and chocolate. The scent can be overwhelming in recipes but you can use deodorized cocoa butter if it is offensive to you. May be used in a variety of cosmetic, toiletry and pharmaceutical applications to reduce coetaneous dryness and improve skin flexibility. Suggested Use Levels: Lotions & Creams: 3-5% Balms: 5-100% Bar Soaps: 3-6% Conditioners: 2-5%

Probo Shop dedicated our product just for you......

Our precious Customers.....

Lovely Cocoa Butter & Chocolate Package (1 set) Rp 355.000,-

Usage for 20 - 25 treatment

1. Body Scrub 1 kg

2. Body Mask 1 kg

3. Bath Salt 1 kg

4. Face Mask 1 kg

Term & Condition :

- Free transportation fee for Jakarta, Bogor,
Tangerang, Bekasi

- Payment by transfer :
Mandiri Bank 128.00.0500658.7
suryani agus prabandari

- For more information call +6221 99090387 or
email : proboshop@yahoo.com